Lifesaving Romance Manga: How Eunhong is Saved by an Unexpected Twist of Fate, Eunhong is a struggling actress who’s been dumped by her long-term boyfriend. After the breakup, she finds herself in the middle of an unexpected incident involving the CEO of LJ Pharmaceutical, Kang-il. In an attempt to save face and avoid legal charges, Eunhong reluctantly agrees to Kang-il’s offer to “hire” her as his fiancée.

What follows is a sweeping romance manga story that follows Eunhong on her journey of self-discovery. She must find a way to keep up her role as the mysterious French heiress while trying to navigate the complicated relationship between her and Kang-il. As the two grow closer, Eunhong learns more about herself and discovers that she can rely on herself to make it through any situation.

The romance manga offers readers an entertaining and uplifting story of the unexpected. In the end, Eunhong’s courage and strength of character save her from a disastrous situation, and she is able to come out on top. This is a must-read for anyone looking for

Name: Lifesaving Romance
Aired: 2023 -?
Author/Illustrator: SJ

Lifesaving Romance

Lifesaving Romance Characters



This is a beautiful and well-crafted manga series that really pulls at the heartstrings. Haru is a very likable protagonist, and his relationship with the girl he rescues is both tender and realistic. The artwork is detailed and engaging, and the story is full of drama and emotion. The series explores the power of love and how it can heal wounds, both physical and emotional.

Overall, Lifesaving Romance Manga is a wonderful story that is sure to tug at your heartstrings. The characters are compelling and the story is full of drama and emotion. The art is also beautiful, making this an easy series to enjoy. If you’re looking for a romantic manga to escape with, this is definitely one to consider.

Manhwa Summary

Eunhong is an actress — just not famous yet. After being dumped by her boyfriend of 9 years, she gets involved in an incident with the CEO of LJ Pharmaceutical, Kang-il. And out of the blue, he wants to “hire” her as his fiancée. In order to save face from her ex-boyfriend and avoid being charged, Eunhong accepts his offer, but can she pull off the role of a beautiful yet mysterious French heiress without being busted?

Source: Webtoons

By Stig Editor

Mark Abahi, AKA stig, is the chief founder of Stig Media. He is a professional comedian, animator, scriptwriter, and storyboard artist. He loves to share his skills with the world. Mark can be reached via