Harem Camp anime series was created by Studio Hokiboshi and was first published in H-anime. Harem Camp is a new 2022 anime series, and fans are expecting the manga soon, said the creator and his team.
Alternative Titles
Japanese: ハーレムきゃんぷっ!
Type: anime
Chapters: 4 and ongoing process
Status: Ongoing
Published: may 26, 2022
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, H-M
Demographic: N/A
Authors: Studio Hokiboshi (Story & Art)
“Please… Whatever you want to do to me…” The consequence of overcrowding a small tent with defenseless girls… One evening, as Kensuke was camping alone, a strange girl named Haruki appeared in front of him with three other girls who followed him like a harem. Kensuke, exhausted by Haruki’s verbal and physical assault, chooses to abuse her…
Drunk and tense in a pitch-black tent at night, the person begins to crawl. The girl resists silently on her back, her breathing becoming increasingly agitated, her stimulated and tender skin… she Can’t stand it any longer! When Kensuke looked into her face after crossing the line, what did he see?
Kensuke is an experienced camp director and educator. This, he establishes a group of four young students for the new camp.
(source: H-anime)
Release Date
Studio Hokibosh creator of Harem Camp released the first episode of the series on 9th may 2022 and fans can read it on the official published website to support the author with their teams.
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