Fool Me Twice is a romantic manga series written by Maki jiji and illustrated by Jiji team. It follows the story of Min Kim, a freshman at a prestigious university who is still trying to get over his ex-girlfriend. When Bora Kwon, his former flame, returns to college, Min is thrown into a tailspin of emotions. He’s determined to keep his distance, but Jina Bae, the impulsive and outspoken girl next door, won’t let him.
The manga explores themes of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery as Min and Bora come to terms with their past feelings and move on with their lives. The art is beautiful and the characters are well-developed, each with their own unique personalities.
The story is full of suspense and drama as Min and Bora struggle to figure out their feelings for each other. The series is perfect for those who are looking for a heart-wrenching and emotional story. The manga is a roller coaster ride of emotions, and readers will find themselves rooting for Min and Bora to find their way back to each other. If you’re looking for a romantic manga with depth and heart-stopping moments, Fool Me Twice is best recommended.
Fool Me Twice Characters
Min Kim
Jina Bae
Jina Bae
Fool Me Twice is an exciting manga series, The artwork is stunning and the characters are well-developed and likable. The story explores the consequences of Kakeru’s power, as well as his relationships with other characters. It is an enjoyable and gripping read. Highly recommended.
Manhwa Summary
They say freshman romance can make or break college life. So it was for Min Kim, whose heart was shattered two years ago by beautiful upperclassman Bora Kwon. Min re-enters college after his military service hoping for a fresh start, but as luck would have it, his old flame has also just returned from a long leave of absence. As he struggles to bury lingering feelings and move on with his life, Min encounters Jina Bae, the firecracker-next-door who begins to find a place in his heart.
Source; webtoons
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