Cinderella Boy is a manga created by Kazuhiko Katō, also known as Monkey Punch. It was originally published in the Kobunsha magazine Popcorn in 2022, with an alternate version published in Anime DO in N/A(no anime yet). The plot follows the adventures of impoverished private detective Ranma Hinamatsuri and his thrill-seeking rich girl partner Rella “Cindy” Shirayuki in a futuristic city named “Kirin Town.”
The manga has not been adapted into anime yet. but in my opinion, the anime will be licensed for a North American release by Discotek Media. The series is characterized by its theme of “Magical Sex Shift” and is targeted at a Seinen demographic. The story revolves around Ranma and Rella running a detective agency in Giraffe City, where an arranged accident leaves them in an unfortunate state. The series explores their adventures and the challenges they face, including a dark secret they uncover. The manga has a score of 6.521 on MyAnimeList, indicating a positive reception from the audience. The anime adaptation has a score of 6.291 on MyAnimeList, with 7,605 members and 8 favorites. The series is known for its unique and intriguing storyline, combining elements of action, mystery, and gender transformation. It has garnered a dedicated fan base and has been recognized for its creativity and entertainment value.
When a fame-obsessed boy named Chase discovers a key that allows him to walk into any storybook and take the place of a character in it, he’s offered a chance to earn a wish for anything he wants… The only catch? His key dictates that he’s always the heroine! As Chase discovers, there are also other forces searching for his key, intent on stopping him from using it—especially Chase’s rival, a handsome but malicious young man in possession of the Villainess key, who is determined to kick Chase out of the storybook business for good.