A Fake Affair is a unique manga series that follows the story of two resident, Shoko Hama and Jobanni, who are forced to pretend to be in a romantic relationship in order to keep their families from feuding. The series is created and illustrated by Akiko Higashimura, a renowned manga artist and writer. Through her creative and detailed artwork, Higashimura brings the characters and their story to life, creating a captivating and heart-warming story about love, family, and the power of friendship. A Fake Affair is sure to be a hit with manga fans, and is sure to keep readers captivated with its unique plot and characters.
A Fake Affair Manhwa Summary
After searching and failing to find a husband for 3 years, Shoko Hama is ready to give up. Tired from work and marriage-less future prospects, she quits her job and travels on a solo trip to Korea. On the plane ride there, Shoko meets the young and attractive Jobanni Park, but accidentally tells him… she’s married? Now caught in her own web of lies, Shoko is about to have the wildest time of her life!
A Fake Affair Characters
the main character is Shoko Hama and Jobanni.
I never thought the day would come that I’d see the work of my favorite mangaka on Webtoon! For those who aren’t aware, Higashimura is the author of a number of famous titles, including Princess Jellyfish, Tokyo Tarareba Girls, and Kakukaku Shikajika.
A Fake Affair Review
Review we be added later.
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