The Blue Snake and the Red Moon Review, Recap and Where to Read?

The Blue Snake and the Red Moon, If you haven’t read this manga series, it’s worth reading. The plot is well executed, and the characters are interesting enough to keep you reading. If you enjoyed other manga such as When Jasy Whistles or The Wolf King, this should be right up your alley.

A boat accident caused a beautiful ghost girl (Leerang) to be buried alive for 16 years in the middle of a dense forest. Just before sleeping in there, she was rescued by Tajin, a blue snake that had tried to kill itself as it was being forced to eat a toxic plant. She awoke at Tajin’s home and discovered it was a human nest. Having been sold into slavery, girls like Leerang must work hard with no pay and get beaten up whenever they go anywhere. When the evil red-headed queen, who won’t stop bullying Leerang, comes to ransom her, Tajin decides he has to save her from the curse playing on both of them.

Most manga series are serialized, meaning that there are chapters, each with multiple pages, for the series. The Blue Snake and the Red Moon is not serialized in this way. Instead of chapters or pages, it is published as one continuous story. Books are released continuously to allow reading of all “encompassing” content before new material comes out.

The Blue Snake and the Red Moon Review, Recap and Where to Read?

Where to Read The Blue Snake and the Red Moon

Fans can read this manga series on Toomics or Webtoon. I’ve got to say that I loved every bit of this series. It was a mix of sci-fi, fantasy, and romance all rolled up into one. It was an entertaining read that was hard to put down (much easier than some).

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