Shine On! Bakumatsu Boys is an upcoming Japanese animated series based on the manga written by Tetsuo Hirakawa. It tells the story of Samurai, a boy born without superpowers in a world where they are the norm, but who dreams of one day becoming a hero himself.

Just like I have said, Bucchigire is a Japanese word and a new Tv Anime series introduced by the twin engine. In this post, we try to answer as much as possible to cover up everything about Bucchigire, so keep reading.

What is Shine On! Bakumatsu Boys

First, let me briefly explain Bucchigire (ぶっちギレ) is a Japanese term that means “to give it your all.” It is often used to describe someone who is putting in their utmost effort or someone who is going all out. The term can be used in both a positive and negative light, depending on the context. Twin engine introduced this series early in December 2021.

bucchigire anime

Shine On! Bakumatsu Boys meaning a slice of life anime, is a type of Japanese animated film and TV series that generally focus on the daily lives of the characters. They usually have no epic plot or high-stakes drama but instead, simply depict the characters’ ordinary routines and interactions in an interesting way. Twin engine company began to appear in the early 1st October 2014 and has since become increasingly popular, with several critically acclaimed series airing in recent years. While this genre does not typically have much action or violence,

Shine On! Bakumatsu Boys Anime Release Date

Producer Twin Engine has officially announced that bucchigire will be scheduled to premiere on 1st July 2022. Bucchigire is the most awaited anime of the year. This means that on july the series will be available to watch.

The series, which has been in production for over two years tells the story of a young man who turns into a vampire. He must then deal with the challenges that come with his new life while trying to protect those he loves.

The anime has already generated a lot of buzz on social media with the release of its

Where to watch Shine On! Bakumatsu Boys

Twin engine, the producer of bucchigire, has opened the official website for their new Tv anime series, which means you will watch the original series at, Funimation, or on Netflix.

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If you’re looking for a great place to watch Bucchigire Anime, look no further than Netflix or Crunchyroll. Not only do they have a great selection of anime shows, but they also have manga and doujinshi. You can even watch episodes with English subtitles or without them.

Shine On! Bakumatsu Boys Anime summary

In an epoch when Samurai ruled Japan… The Shinsengumi has been wiped out by an unknown attacker, leaving one survivor. Ten robbers are chosen as doubles for the Shinsengumi. To protect the security of Kyoto, a top-secret stand-in operation is executed

Founder and Director of Shine On! Bakumatsu Boys

Twin Engine Inc Ltd. TE is a Japanese anime planning and production company that was established on 1st October 2014 by former Fuji TV’s Noitamina Executive Editor Kōji Yamamoto. 

Tetsuo Hirakawa is the Director, Series Composition of Bucchigire. Why Masafumi Yokota is a Character Design of the series.

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Staff Worked In Shine On! Bakumatsu Boys 

Here is a list of staff working on this new tv anime series.

Director, Series Composition: Tetsuo Hirakawa (Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho) Original Character Design: Hiroyuki Takei (Shaman King) Character Design: Masafumi Yokota (Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito sub-character design)

Art: Inspired (Kemono Jihen)

Color Design: Haruko Nobori (Saihate no Paladin)

Sound Director: Satoshi Yano (100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru) Sound Effects: Daisuke Jinbo (Jormungand) Sound Production: Ai Addiction Music: Yasuharu Takanashi (Shuumatsu no Walküre) 

Planning: Twin Engine

Buuchigire Trailers New Twin Engine series, Shine No Bakumatsu Boys

Here is the Trailers for Buuchigire.

By Stig Editor

Mark Abahi, AKA stig, is the chief founder of Stig Media. He is a professional comedian, animator, scriptwriter, and storyboard artist. He loves to share his skills with the world. Mark can be reached via

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