Shadow Pirates is a 2018 manga series that ended in 2019. After the series ended a long time ago, manga fans who fell in love with the series have been waiting for season 2 or a continuous chapter 17. The question is whether or not there will be a season 2. We have covered everything you need to know, so keep reading.
To summarize, The Shadow Pirates are the town’s new sheriff.Beware all evildoers. This ragtag group of heroes will do whatever it takes to protect their majestic, underwater city and the inhabitants of Old San Diego. You haven’t seen justice served until you see the Shadow Pirates lay down the law.
Review and recap
Hip-hop manga—that was a fun read. The story was nice, and I really liked the art style. It was definitely a breath of fresh air. The art style reminds me of Treasure Planet from Disney, which was one of my favorite cartoon movies!
Frank and his ladies travel back and forth through alternate time lines and universes, kicking asses and having incredible S&X! They defeat several versions of Rick and are now chasing Merin to stop his Manipur of the time lines and alternative time lines. Who is the mysterious man in the fourth dimension? Is it the future, Frank? But after reuniting with his grandfather Shadow and his grandmother Rose and learning Ninja skills, all will be well.
Will there be a season 2 or Chapter 17 of Shadow Pirates?
No, the original author stated on their social media page that they will revisit this world after they finish other stories.

There will be no more season 2 or Chapter 17; the manga ended in 2019 and no updates have been made about this series since then by the original author, Sean Galloway. Fans can read this series on webtoons.