Ordeal is a popular manga series created by Brent Bristol. It is a story about superpowered beings called Kimyos and their impact on the world. The series is set in a world similar to ours with an alternate history. The protagonist, Che, is a human in a world full of Kimyos, but he is determined to become the greatest fighter to ever live. When his beloved mentor is murdered, Che swears vengeance and embarks on a mission to unmask the killer. But soon Che learns that the world of Kimyos is much larger than he ever imagined and that he himself might be one—the most powerful Kimyo on Earth, with the power of the sun itself. Will Che be able to harness his new strength, or will he burn up in the heat of this ordeal?

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Plot Summary

The story of Ordeal revolves around Che, a human in a world full of superpowered beings called Kimyos. Che is determined to become the greatest fighter to ever live. When his beloved mentor is murdered, Che swears vengeance and embarks on a mission to unmask the killer. But soon Che learns that the world of Kimyos is much larger than he ever imagined and that he himself might be one—the most powerful Kimyo on Earth, with the power of the sun itself. Che now hunts his teacher’s murderers and learns the world of Kimyos is much bigger than he and his friends think. While a dark presence watches their every move.

Ordeal Manhwa

Main Characters

  • Che is the protagonist of the series. He is a human in a world full of Kimyos, but he is determined to become the greatest fighter to ever live. When his beloved mentor is murdered, Che swears vengeance and embarks on a mission to unmask the killer.
  • Illios: The embodiment of the sun itself, Illios is the power that Che inherits after his mentor’s death. It is the most powerful Kimyo power on Earth.
  • Kimyos: Superpowered beings that are born with an extraordinary ‘ability’ that surpasses natural evolution. They are the main focus of the series.

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People Also Ask Questions

  • What is Ordeal Manhwa about?
    Ordeal is a Manhwa series about superpowered beings called Kimyos and their impact on the world. The protagonist, Che, is a human in a world full of Kimyos, but he is determined to become the greatest fighter to ever live. When his beloved mentor is murdered, Che swears vengeance and embarks on a mission to unmask the killer. But soon Che learns that the world of Kimyos is much larger than he ever imagined and that he himself might be one—the most powerful Kimyo on Earth, with the power of the sun itself.
  • Who created Ordeal Manhwa?
    Ordeal Manhwa was created by Brent Bristol.
  • Where can I read Ordeal Manhwa?
    Ordeal Manhwa can be read on the Webtoon platform.
  • What is the genre of Ordeal Manhwa?
    Ordeal Manhwa is an action and adventure series.
  • Is Ordeal Manhwa worth reading?
    According to fans of the series, Ordeal Manhwa is definitely worth reading. It has a unique story, great art, and interesting characters.
  • How many chapters are there in Ordeal Manhwa?
    As of October 2023, there is no information available on the total number of chapters in Ordeal Manhwa.
  • When is the next chapter of Ordeal Manhwa coming out?
    As of October 2023, there is no information available on when the next chapter of Ordeal Manhwa will be released.

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Themes in Ordeal Manhwa

  • Power: The series explores the theme of power and how it can be used for good or evil.
  • Revenge: The protagonist, Che, is on a mission to avenge his mentor’s death.
  • Friendship: The series also explores the theme of friendship as Che and his friends work together to uncover the truth about the world of Kimyos.
  • Identity: The series also explores the theme of identity, as Che learns that he might be the most powerful Kimyo on Earth.

By Stig Editor

Mark Abahi, AKA stig, is the chief founder of Stig Media. He is a professional comedian, animator, scriptwriter, and storyboard artist. He loves to share his skills with the world. Mark can be reached via mark@stig.com.ng

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