Netkama PUNCH is a most read manga series that follows the struggles of Kim Seyeong as he navigates his way out of the not-so-simple task of becoming the girlfriend of his arch-nemesis. Written by CHIMA-tae, Netkama PUNCH is a story of revenge and redemption, as Seyeong strives to achieve his goal while attempting to undo the damage that was done to his gaming career.
The series is full of intense plot twists, relatable characters and humorous dialogue that will keep readers engaged throughout the story, while also allowing them to sympathize with Seyeong’s plight. It touches upon important topics such as gender identity and online harassment, and delves into the complexities of maintaining relationships in an online environment.
Netkama PUNCH has become an international sensation, with its popularity soaring all around the globe. The series has been translated into English, French, German, Chinese, and Spanish and can be found in stores and online. If you’re looking for a thrilling manga series that tackles important issues, then Netkama PUNCH is definitely worth a read.
About Netkama PUNCH Characters
The main characters of Netkama PUNCH include Kim Seyeong, a professional gamer who struggles to balance his gaming career with his mission to become the girlfriend of his arch-nemesis; Park Jieun, one of Seyeong’s closest friends, who provides moral support and advice; Han Gyuri, Seyeong’s arch-nemesis and the main antagonist of the series; and Kim Joonhong, Seyeong’s rival and another professional gamer who is determined to take Seyeong down. Other characters include Seyeong’s gaming team and his family.