Gedou Gakuen Episode 1 – 5: Nightmare Campus! Recaps, Reviews, and Every Detail

Gedou Gakuen Episode 1: Nightmare Campus, also known as Gedou Gakuen, is a popular anime series that has won a few awards in Japan and was named the 9th best Hanime, but some fans want to know more about the series’ details, reviews, and spoilers.In that case, I have decided to write and publish the post, so let’s move on to the next section.

A quick recap Masao Sera, then 19 years old, discovered a gory, sacrificial rite intended to unlock the gates of hell while on an archeological dig at a banned Himalayan temple. In the meantime, Masao’s college has been overtaken by a sinister entity. Rape, gang violence, and fights are common occurrences. However, some of the gangs have recently begun to exhibit eerie tendencies and supernatural abilities. When Masao reappears inexplicably carrying the King of the Underworld chained to his mortal soul, the fight between demonic forces battling for control of the campus threatens to escalate into a global catastrophe.

Gedou Gakuen Characters

The main characters of Gedou Gakuen are:

  • Modo Akira
  • Abe chan

Spoilers and Review for Gedou Gakuen Episode 1

I saw this movie expecting a rather cool anime movie, but as I was about to find out, this movie would have a lot more s3x than most animes I had seen at this point in time. In fact, this movie was probably the first h3ntai movie I had watched, basically being an anime p0rn. It is almost there and probably can be labeled a more light version, as they do not show quite as much as they do in some h3ntai’s, but then the one I watched may or may not have had things cut out of it. The plot is hard to follow as a new guy comes to a school where some, if not all, of the student body have the ability to become demon creatures or something. Somewhere near the end, angels enter the picture, kidnap a girl the main guy likes, and then we get an ending that really resolves nothing at all. The s3x is really good and hot and heavy in the first half of the film, but kind of becomes nonexistent near the end, which is sad as that was most certainly the highlight of this film.

That was a pretty high death count (as far as h3ntai goes) for the first five minutes. And for a second, I almost thought Mido used haki when Abe was about to hit him. The only other thing that stood out to me was something the protagonist’s phallus did near the end of the episode: the way its length extended several meters into the air.

Related: Overflow Anime Episode 1 to 8 Full Videos & Every Details

The animation was disappointing, with slow movements and stale framing. I like the look of the red-haired girl, but none of the s3x scenes with her actually impressed me. The only tiny thing I actually enjoyed in this episode was the background music in that scene where the thugs assault MC and his girl in the park. It didn’t fit the scene at all because of how dramatic and intense it sounded, but I thought it was a great soundtrack.

Gedou Gakuen Episode 3 Spoilers

Gang wars between demons by using mind-controlled human high school girls as (s3x) slaves… interesting.

There were no H scenes I really enjoyed, but the plot of this episode still kept me engaged. My favourite bit was the short montage of the disciplinary committee cracking down on the gang members.

Spoilers and Review for Gedou Gakuen Episode 5

I’m kind of glad that the rapist lost his phallus. And the way that girl’s reproductive organ had teeth made me think of a Native American myth I read a while back. I’m also fine with the way things ended (it’s not like I actually enjoyed the story, so I was cool with things feeling unfinished). It’s a shame the people who did the English dub never managed to get the pronunciation of the protagonist’s name right, though.

Man, how are they just going to end the story like that? I’m very disappointed. I also started watching it for the h3ntai but got wrapped up more and more in the story. The author should have give it a better ending. Even if the Gods win over the demons, it’s still better than how y’all left it. I need to know what the gods are planning. Who is Yuuko really? Did the woman Akira got pregnant with have half human, half demon babies? Help!!!!

Gedou Gakuen-Nightmare Campus Released Date

The series is based on the old anime series, which aired in 1994 and has gained a few awards since its release.

Where to watch Gedou Gakuen?

Fans would be able to watch the series on Hanime or other alternatives such as Zoro Dot To. To me, I would recommend most fans to watch the series on Hanime as the site is safe and free from pop-ups or other malicious redirections.

Gedou Gakuen-Nightmare Campus will they be a New season 2?

Unfortunately they wouldn’t be able to create or release any season of the series again. Since the author itself has not make a clear statement on the storyline. The anime also look similar to overflow anime and harem Cult.

By Stig Editor

Mark Abahi, AKA stig, is the chief founder of Stig Media. He is a professional comedian, animator, scriptwriter, and storyboard artist. He loves to share his skills with the world. Mark can be reached via

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