Monkey Punch is the author of Cinderella Boy, a one-shot manga. It was originally published in the Kobunsha magazine Popcorn in 2022. An alternate version was published in Anime (Not Yet N/A). The plot follows the adventures of impoverished private detective Ranma Hinamatsuri and his thrill-seeking rich girl partner Rella “Cindy” Shirayuki in a futuristic city named “Kirin Town.
The main characters of Cinderella Boy are Ranma Hinamatsuri and Rella “Cindy” Shirayuki. Ranma is a poor private detective with a strong sense of justice, while Rella is a thrill-seeking rich girl. Other characters include Yoshimura Riku, a girl who is one of the five handsome men in the incredibly popular idol group “Z.”
Anime Adaptation
Some fans said Cinderella Boy was adapted into a 13-episode anime television series in 2003. Magic Bus produced the show, and Tominaga Tsuneo was in charge of directing it. The plot of the anime follows the same premise as the manga, with Ranma and Rella running a detective agency in Giraffe City. An arranged accident leaves Rella and Ranma in an unfortunate state where the two switch bodies every 24 hours.
Similar Titles
Cinderella Boy‘s titular character is named Ranma, after Ranma Saotome, who also transforms into a girl. The art style and comedy are also very reminiscent of early 90s and late 80s anime, which is the timeframe in which Ranma 1/2 was created. City Hunter and Cinderella Boy are both comedy/action titles that deal with a titular character struggling to make ends meet with their detective/bodyguard agencies. They are both solid and satisfying comedies.
Fans have enjoyed Cinderella Boy, a classic manga, for many years. The anime adaptation is also worth checking out for those who want to see the story come to life on screen. If you’re a fan of comedy/action titles or are looking for a fun and entertaining read, Cinderella Boy is definitely worth checking out.